Interesting article about Google from Frank Schilling and Sahar… -jot
October 26, 2007
The Free Internet .. Domain Names as ‘Your’ Platform
Sahar writes:
“Here’s a domain-parking related post on Mashable I found interesting… how parked pages are perceived by non domainers: Three Clicks to Spam: Google’s Hypocritical Link Selling Policy Thanks!” “
***FS*** Sahar is correct of course.. Everything in life is a matter of perception or a gradient-optic through which you view things. Create a domain name and point it to your registrar’s placeholder page and the name is “unused” .. add advertising of your own and the name is “parked”.. Heaven forbid your inactive domain with advertising gets indexed into almighty Google.. If this happens by accident or design, you’ve unwittingly created the sinister sounding “Spam page” .. Point your spam page to another website to make money from those visitors and the name becomes “inactive”. At least in some peoples eyes. Never have so many “inactive” domains made so much, for so many active entrepreneurs.
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